Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sheffield town meeting overview

 (above, town meeting moderator, Patrick Ham)

  Sheffield town meeting was yesterday morning,  and it went more smoothy then it has in the past. Patrick Ham was the moderator for this year.  Kathy Newman got re-elected for town clerk and town treasurer for this year. Audrey Hearne got re-elected for her place on the select board. The duties of road commission will stay in the hands of the select board, as it was this previous year. Walter Smith got elected as lister for this year and he will take the place of Alan Robertson for a length of three years. Sally Wood-Simons got elected to remain in her chair as auditor for the next three years. After a bit of discussion about the duty and requirements of first and second constable, the town came to a conclusion. Edward Jewell was elected as first constable. Article nine, to elect a second constable for the ensuing year, was passed over, and nobody is to fill that role for this year. Cheryl Chesley got elected to her role as tax collector. Harmon Clark got re-elected for the role of grand juror.  The town agent, agents to convey real estate, and the trustee of public funds will remain the duties of the selectboard this year. The role of school director went to paper ballot. Anna Berger was re-elected for that role. Leslie DeGreenia was re-elected for sexton for this year. The Planning commission had three open spots this year. Gay Ellis got re-elected  to the planning commission, along with Tina Heck (see video below) and Norma Berry-Williams. Article 18, to elect any other town officers, was not valid due to the lack of need of any other town officers. All of the appropriations passed with no discussion.
To download almost 20 minutes of sound clips from Sheffield Vermont Town meeting click here !

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